Birddog Trails

Birddog Trails

The links below provide access to content and subdomains in development by Telecom Birddogs, LLC.

Part/Division One: Wireless Site Selection; Manager Level

Part One of the Handbook is translated to Division One of the online training and encompasses the next three Sections or Levels of Specialty.
In this workbook site we’ll seek to expand and elaborate on the content of the Handbook and Online Training.

Section/Level One: Project Coordinator Training; Orientation to Wireless Site Acquisition

Section One of the Handbook is translated to Level One of the online training and encompasses the first six Handbook chapters and online training modules.
In this workbook site we’ll seek to expand and elaborate on the content of each chapter/module.
Chapter/Module 1- Wireless Industry Structure
Chapter/Module 2- The Role of Site Acquisition
Chapter/Module 3- Site Acquisition Contracting
Chapter/Module 4- Wireless System Design
Chapter/Module 5- Wireless Site Components
Chapter/Module 6- Wireless Search Area Design

Section/Level Two:  Site Acquisition Birddog Training;  Search Area Due Diligence

Section Two of the Handbook is translated to Level Two of the online training and encompasses six more Handbook chapters and online training modules.
In this workbook site we’ll seek to expand and elaborate on the content of each chapter/module.
Chapter/Module 7- Search Area Assignment
Chapter/Module 8- Search Area Mapping
Chapter/Module 9- Zone-ability
Chapter/Module 10- Constructability
Chapter/Module 11- Lease-ability
Chapter/Module 12- Property Owner Communications

Section/Level Three: Project Estimator Training; Site Selection Analytics

Section Three of the Handbook is translated to Level Three of the online training and encompasses three Handbook chapters and online training modules.
In this workbook site we’ll seek to expand and elaborate on the content of each chapter/module:
Chapter/Module 13- Search Area Report (SAR)
Chapter/Module 14- The Project Team
Chapter/Module 15- Site Candidate Information Package (SCIP)

Part/Division Two: Wireless Site Development; Manager Level

Part Two of the Handbook is translated to Division Two of the online training and encompasses the next three Sections or Levels of Specialty.
In this workbook site we’ll seek to expand and elaborate on the content of the Handbook and Online Training.

Section/Level Four: Project Expediter Training; Project Preparations

Section Four of the Handbook is translated to Level Four of the online training and encompasses five Handbook chapters and online training modules.
In this workbook site we’ll seek to expand and elaborate on the content of each chapter/module:
Chapter/Module 16- Project Initiation
Chapter/Module 17- Collocation Applications
Chapter/Module 18- Title Insurance Commitment
Chapter/Module 19- Site Design- Standard Drawings and Engineering Reports
Chapter./Module 20- Site Design- Supplemental Drawings and Engineering Reports

Section/Level Five: Leasing Agent Training; Space Rights

Section Five of the Handbook is translated to Level Five of the online training and encompasses seven Handbook chapters and online training modules.
In this workbook site we’ll seek to expand and elaborate on the content of each chapter/module:
Chapter/Module 21- Initial Space Rights
Chapter/Module 22- Leasing Concepts
Chapter/Module 23- Collocation Agreements
Chapter/Module 24- Lease Provisions
Chapter/Module 25- Purchase Contracts
Chapter/Module 26- Miscellaneous Agreements
Chapter/Module 27- Final Space Rights Documentation

Section/Level Six: Local Permit Consultant Training; Local Permit Rights

Section Six of the Handbook is translated to Level Six of the online training and encompasses five Handbook chapters and online training modules.
In this workbook site we’ll seek to expand and elaborate on the content of each chapter/module:
Chapter/Module 28- Local Permit Applications
Chapter/Module 29- Planning Staff Review
Chapter/Module 30- Community Due Diligence
Chapter/Module 31- Governing Bodies and Public Hearings
Chapter/Module 32- Final Local Permit Rights
Chapter/Module 33- Project Management Summary


Tests, Assessments, Quizzes

A place a quizzes, testing, and assessments of one’s knowledge about wireless site acquisition and development, as well as related subject matter.
An entire body of questions has been developed and is currently housed elsewhere on the site. As time goes on, these will
form a trail to certification package.


Past and future blog posts will be found here in the near future.

“Firmly Anchored in Midair, The Handbook of Wireless Site Acquisition and Permitting”

This is the link back to the site that focuses on the Handbook around which the primary domain and all of its subdomains revolve.

Case Studies in Wireless Site Acquisition and Development

This will be where summaries illustrating a vast array of lessons to be found in the explanations about past projects will reside.

Document Vault

The document vault is intended as a file cabinet for historic documents for safe keeping.

Results, Analytics, Field Trials

This is a place intended to house results of competitions conducted in the field.

Federal, State, and Local Government Jurisdictions

The Jurisdictions site is where data and information relevant to specific government bodies is accumulated as reference material.

Knowledge Base

Curated articles not associated with website blogs will be accumulated for search and review on the Knowledge Base site.


Maps are a tremendous part of real estate, no less so with all things wireless site acquisition. The goal of this site is everything mapping.


All interactions between professionals and their entities in business involve the marketplace from a narrow to a wide perspective.


Once the newsletter is up and running, this will be the location and depository for it’s issues.


This will be link for hosted and other related podcasts.


Hosted and related webinars will be conducted and stored here.


The workbook site will be the place to publish future extensions of the Handbook associated with one or more of the following topic sites.
The topic sites are defined by the Sections of the Handbook also known as Levels in the online training version of the Handbook, above.

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